
The CARM shipyard has been active in the port of Lavagna since 1960

Here a list of some internet site where is possible to found interesting information, for work and personal interest.

Theremino is a complete system, very vast and articulated, to use the personal computer in a similar way to a soft-plc.

This is a very interesting open source project, which minimizes hardware costs in favor of software development. Alessio, the creator of the system, is very willing to answer questions, but the Theremino team is made up of some collaborators, all volunteers, each with specific skills.

This link can certainly not be missing in a site that deals with electronics.

Italian project, famous all over the world, it is the development system that has made it easy for even beginners to develop projects.

Raspberry is a small computer, the size of a credit card, and low cost.

The basic idea was the creation of an economic device, conceived to stimulate the basic teaching of computer science and programming in schools, but it has become a system also used in the professional field, thanks to the presence of the linux operating system.